DVD: The Life and Work of Bruno Gröning

Product number: 42-6014603-002-6
Weight: 0.09 kg
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The Life and Work of Bruno Gröning

A Film by Thomas Eich

DVD, PAL: GLN 42-6014603-002-6

Length: 30 minutes

15 languages: English, Esperanto, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Croatian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish,  Spanish, Czech, Hungarian.

In 1949, Bruno Gröning became a world-famous "miracle healer". Wherever he appeared, sick people flocked to him. Tens of thousands of people beleaguered the "Traberhof" in Rosenheim for many weeks. The afflicted even came from the USA. One healing occurred after the other.
When Bruno Gröning died in 1959, his work seemed to have ended. However, some of his friends believed the words he spoke, that he would continue to help and heal. In 1979, Grete Häusler established the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends and healings are still happening. Contemporary witnesses describe their experiences with Bruno Gröning and healed people report about their success.
Thomas Eich