Free from Addiction - E-Book

Product number: 31029_EN

Real-life stories of former addicts

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Free from Addiction


Real-life stories of former addicts

Compiled by Christoph and Anneke Hagen

With epilogue by Dr W. Vogelsberger MD


After 20 years, an alcoholic is suddenly free from this addiction and the short term memory loss associated with it. A heroin addiction being treated with methadone completely disappears after pleas from family members. A woman with a long-standing medication addiction attends an Information Lecture and afterwards forgets to take her medication.

How is all this possible?

This booklet provides insight into the deeply moving life stories of former addicts who found the way to happy and meaningful lives again, thanks to the teaching of Bruno Gröning.


E-book version:

Order Nr.: 31029_EN


Print version:

ISBN 978-3-86769-217-5


6 color images

0 black & white images

40 pages

21.0 x 14.8 cm

Staple bound with 2 staples