The Work of Bruno Gröning During his Lifetime and Today

Numer przedmiotu: 978-3-933344-13-7

This extensive book about Bruno Gröning’s work covers the events around him - his life, his teaching and the controversies around his person.

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Thomas Eich
The Work of Bruno Gröning During his Lifetime and Today


308 Pages, Paperback

15 pictures, black and white

1 picture, multicoloured

14.0 x 21.0 cm

ISBN 978-3-933344-13-7


This extensive book about Bruno Gröning’s work covers the events around him - his life, his teaching and the controversies around his person. It also deals with what is happening today: the organization and structure of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends, the meaning and purpose of the communities and the success reports.

Thomas Eich