My Life Is Helping -A biography of Bruno Gröning. Vol. 1

Artikelnummer: 978-3-86769-051-5

Volume 1: The School of Life, 1906 - 1949; Danzig, War, and Dillenburg

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Thomas Eich
My Life Is Helping -A biography of Bruno Gröning
Volume 1: The School of Life, 1906 - 1949

Danzig, War, and Dillenburg

Print version:
90 pages, paperback
17 pages b/w illustrations
21,0 x 14,0 cm
ISBN 978-3-86769-051-5

additional available in E-Book-version:
Order Nr.: 31026_EN

This book is the first volume of a biography that deals objectively with the phenomenon Bruno Gröning. It gives a detailed account of the facts around the “miracle doctor”, as he was called at that time. This first volume deals with the years 1906 to 1949, the time before Bruno Gröning became known to the public. It throws light on his childhood and youth in Danzig, his experiences in wartime and afterwards during his first years in West Germany.

Thomas Eich