Bruno Gröning - A Revolution in Medicine

Artikelnummer: 978-3-933344-63-2

Rehabilitation of a man who was misunderstood A medical documentation

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Bruno Gröning - A Revolution in Medicine
Rehabilitation of a man who was misunderstood
A medical documentation

Dr. med Matthias Kamp


Print edition:

321 pages, bound

29 black and white images, 4 colour images

15.8 x 23.0 cm

ISBN 978-3-933344-63-2


Also available as e-book:

Item no.: 31003_EN


In the fifties, the healings that occurred through Bruno Gröning kindled the feelings of millions. He died in 1959, but even today his words, “There is nothing incurable, God is the greatest physician”, are still proving their validity through medically documented healings. At the present time, thousands of people continue to experience help and healing through his teaching. The author - a doctor by profession - has personally verified many healings. Through many years of research into the effect of Bruno Gröning’s work, he has come to recognize in it a “Revolution in Medicine”.